Baby Signing

Baby signing (using gestures based on British Sign Language) is a fun, social and educational activity for babies and their carers - and it can be shared by all members of the extended family.


With baby signing families find that understanding and communicating between babies and adults can become easier and less frustrating.  Parents and babies gain confidence in their interactions and in their language and motor skills.   Everyone thrives on the social interaction, games and singing that is part of baby signing.    


As with learning any new language practice is key.  Over the six week course we learn signs that are useful to everyday life with a baby - on themes such as food, or daily routine or bed time plus lots of babies favourites, like animals or transport.  This makes it easy and useful for families to practice every day with their little one, both having fun and becoming fluent in the signs - and so helping their babies to use the signs too.


We include baby signing in our Connected and Contented baby sessions.,  However if you would like a dedicated Baby Signing course please don't hesitate to contact me and we can arrange a course to suit you.